Updated Furlough/CJRS Treasury Direction No.6 – 27/01/21

The HM Treasury has issued a new Direction following a few amendments.

The HM Treasury has issued a new Direction following a few amendments.

There are three main points within the new Direction…

  1. The scheme is formally extended to 30 April 2021, and this Direction covers 1 February to 30 April inclusive.
  2. It clarifies that furlough pay in March/April 2021 should refer back to the corresponding month in March/April 2019, and not March/April 2020. The reasoning is that if it was March/April 2020 that would include looking at a period when people might have already been on furlough pay. Also, the calculation for “usual hours” of work is similarly amended.
  3. The deadline for amending a claim has been extended from the 15th of the following month to the end of the following month.


If you would like to read the full amended Direction, please click on the link:

210120 CJRS DIRECTION No 6 (CJRS extension 1 February – 31 April) – signed.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)

(This is when you will notice that the Direction title says to 31 April – oops)


We will issue further updates as they become published.

As always, the team at Black Mountain are on hand to provide any further advice/guidance.

Black Mountain Group

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